Thursday, April 26, 2012

Going Green

In the old days we used plain maps to navigate and mail to send a post-card to the home-front to let them know how we were doing.
In these modern times we use a GPS to navigate, and a cell-phone to call, text or email the family at home. Now the problem is that your bicycle doesn't have a cigarette lighter for your GPS , or the primitive camp-site doesn't have that 110 AC outlet to plug in your smart-phone. So what do you do? You go green!

After some searching on the web, I ended up on the AdaFruit website and found a USB / DC / Solar Lithium Ion/Polymer charger that I could use for charging a LiPoly battery with:
  1. USB charger
  2. A Solar Cell
  3. Alternative 5 VDC source
As I mentioned earlier, I had my front wheel rebuild with a Generator Hub for lighting and...yes, now also for charging electronics!
Shimano DHS501 Generator Hub
The only thing I needed to design myself was a simple AC/DC converter that converts the 6 Volt AC from the Generator Hub into 5 Volt DC for the LiPoly battery charger.

Solar / Hub / LiPoly - USB Charger
With this final set-up, I can charge the LiPoly battery with the Generator Hub when riding my bicycle, or with the Solar Cell at the camp-site.
During the charging, or when the battery is full I can charge my GPS, Cellphone, or iPod by plugging them into the added USB charger aka MintyBoost.
How cool is that?!


  1. Nice setup, we're doing similar minus the Solar Charger. Deliberating whether to get one, how effective has yours been, say e.g. if you are out in the middle of nowhere for days on end?

    1. Charging with the Solar panel takes a while. Charging while biking is quicker since you will be able to deliver more current.
