Saturday, June 2, 2012

6th Day, Gaviota State Beach Park to Santa Barbara

Left Gaviota State Beach Park around 7 AM. Had a small package of cold cereal for breakfast, and planned to have a decent breakfast in Santa Barbara.

Almost all of the 36 miles to Santa Barbara were on Highway 101 (Garmin GPS Plot). Lots of truck traffic on the highway! The only good part was that the shoulder next to the highway was wider than the actual lanes of the highway. There was one section on a bridge where the shoulder was non-existing. At that point it was all about waiting for the right moment, and then pedal as fast as you can to the other side before traffic would come from behind again.

Arrived at 9:30 AM in Santa Barbara and had a nice breakfast with a good coffee.
Arrival at Santa Barbara Wharf
During my breakfast I reflected on the journey from San Francisco to Santa Barbara, and what was still to come if I wanted to bike all the way back home. After contemplating  for a while I decided to go with my earliest plan; stop in Santa Barbara. If I would like to bike all the way home, I would have to push 2 days for 100 miles a day on a “not so interesting route”. Meaning, parts that are not scenic, or I have ridden many times before (SD-County Coast-line).

After discussing this with Saskia, she agreed to pick me up on Saturday, stay the afternoon and night in SB, and then drive home together. After looking at some hotel options, I found out that the Tourist Hostel also had small cottages that rented for $99 a night. Instead of a dorm, you would have  your own room with a bathroom, and a small kitchen

Summary of my trip:

Day Milage Elev.Gain Cal. Burn Avg. Spd Max. Spd
1 62.41 3064 3891 12 34.4
2 74.51 2671 4427 12.9 35.7
3 59.45 5498 4357 11.7 31.8
4 81.35 4856 5424 13.1 33.2
5 81.41 3416 5180 13.6 33.8
6 35.91 946 2172 13.9 27.4
Totals: 395.04 20451 25451

# of broken Spokes:               2
# of flats tires:                 1
# of “scary moments”:             2
# of nights camping:              3
# of nights in motel:             2
# of times pushing bike up-hill:  2

Bike: 27 lbs
Gear: 50 lbs (including 3 bottles of water)

Lessons learned:
If you think that you did not pack enough stuff,  you can remove at least an extra 10 lbs!
You can never have enough tools to fix your bike.
On a touring-bike it is OK to have a granny gear.
Chamois butter is your best friend, trust me!
Even the Dutch Diesel will have to push his 77 lbs bike+gear uphill now and then.

Thank you!
Thank you Saskia for letting me ride this adventure, AND picking me up in Santa Barbara.
Thank you blog-readers that posted motivations and/or witty comments on the blog, or face-book links.
And last, but not least, thank you California drivers for not running me over!


  1. Patrick we zijn heel trots op je en om je uithoudingsvermogen. Alles is goed gegaan lezen (maar Oma heeft ook de hele week kaarsje laten branden). Good gedoan Joggie. We zijn blij dat je weer bijna thuis bent, was toch spannend iedere dag.
    O en O (dikke knuffel)

    1. Dank je wel voor het kaarsje! Zal het rozenkransje weer in het laadje leggen voor de volgende rit ;o)

  2. Chapeau, Chapeau, Chapeau!
    We kunnen wel veel grapjes maken, maar ondertussen zitten wij 40plussers met hangbuik en spekreet op de bank vol bewondering jouw route te vervolgen!
    Oprechte bewondering! Gaaf dat je dat gedaan hebt. Ben benieuwd wat jouw volgende route zal zijn!


  3. Dutch Diesel! You are truly an inspiration! Thought about this ride but never by myself (I'm sure it might be a huge difference being a female and not worth the chance going alone!). LOVE the BLOG! Really enjoyed reading your daily adventures! Can't wait for the next chapter/adventure!!!!! Glad you made it back safely!!!! Saskia is one of a kind and you should be so lucky to have her as a wife! Congrat's to the both of you!!!

    XX Terri

    1. Thank you Terri. Yes, Saskia is a special lady and deserves as much as respect as the idiot on the bike! :o)
